Postdoctoral fellows may be hired by the University or one of its affiliated hospitals. Although the Consortium makes every effort to keep stipends uniform across all postdoctoral fellowships, individual hospital administrations set stipend levels. Postdoctoral fellowships which are primarily or exclusively research, versus those which are primarily or exclusively clinical, follow the same guidelines with regard to stipends.
Stipends follow NIH stipend levels, with the exception of the VA Medical Center and Brown University (non-T32) positions. Levels are subject to change based on VHA/NIH/Brown University guidance. Stipends for 2025-2026 are as follows (subject to change):
- Hospital and T32 Stipends (NIH Levels): $61,008 (yr. 1) and $61,428 (yr. 2), etc. based on years of experience
- VA Medical Center Stipends: $60,251 (yr. 1) and $63,507 (yr. 2)
- Brown University (non-T32) Stipends: $61,008 (yr. 1) and $61,428 (yr. 2) [Note: Brown-paid Postdocs are currently part of union negotiations and stipends levels are frozen until negotiations are complete.]
Learn more about T32/F32 grant-funded fellowship Support & Eligibility.
Travel: Availability of travel and research funds varies across fellowships and should be individually negotiated.
Health Insurance: Benefits are included in all fellowship positions.
Vacation Days: Vacation is provided and varies by site.
Sick Days: Sick time is provided and varies by site.
Professional Days: Time to attend conferences, job interviews, etc., is provided and varies by site. Professional time should be negotiated individually.
Family Leave: Individual hospital or university administration set leave policy and it varies by site.
In addition, the Clinical Psychology Training Programs at Brown has an Extended Leave Policy if a longer medical leave of absence is required due to:
• the birth of a child, or placement of a child for adoption of foster care or guardianship
• to care for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition
• for the trainee’s own serious health condition
• Any other leave consistent with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Questions related to the program's accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-336-5979 / E-mail: