Melanie Dubard, PhD, Coordinator
The internship year consists of three four-month rotations. Clinical psychology residents must complete two rotations within their identified track and another rotation either inside track or outside of their track area. Clinical psychology residents must meet the rotation specific competencies for the three four-month rotations.
The overall aims of the program reflect a commitment to the development of clinical psychologists who are clinical scientists with broad-based clinical skills.
The aims of the Clinical Psychology Internship are implemented through a number of program components: (1) track-based rotations; (2) elective rotation assignments; (3) research placements; (4) seminars; and (5) the faculty advisory process. The particular experiences acquired will vary according to the Track in which the clinical psychology resident is based, the combination of rotations taken, and the nature of the clinical psychology resident's research placement.
Written Evaluations
Clinical psychology residents receive written evaluations twice during each of their three clinical rotations by their rotation supervisors. Evaluation is based on a detailed competency-based format that emphasizes the acquisition of specific clinical knowledge and skills. Evaluations occur half-way through the course of the rotation and at the end of the rotation. Adherence to APA ethical standards is also a criterion for passing each rotation.
A clinical psychology resident's performance at their research placement is also evaluated every four months. Both faculty supervisors and research placement supervisors rate the clinical psychology resident's performance.
In an effort to continually improve the quality of the training experience, clinical psychology residents are required to evaluate their faculty supervisors for each rotation. These evaluations are completed by the clinical psychology residents at the end of each rotation and at 4, 8, and 12 months of their year-long research placement experience.
Graduate Program Communications
The Clinical Psychology Internship Training Program maintains ongoing communication with each clinical psychology resident's graduate training program throughout the year. Letters are sent to graduate training programs four times during training:
- Prior to start of the internship, we provide the assigned clinical and research training experiences.
- After initial meeting with Director of Training, we provide an update on the clinical psychology resident’s current rotation experiences and overall adjustment to the program.
- Mid-point of the internship year, we provide a brief overview of the clinical psychology resident's experiences to date, his/her general progress, as well as the experiences planned for the remainder of the year.
- End-point of the year, we provide a summary of the clinical psychology resident’s experience and performance.