The Clinical Psychology Training Programs are committed to attracting more applicants from diverse backgrounds, supporting research with diverse populations, and promoting cultural competence in training and clinical services.
The Clinical Psychology Training Programs are committed to attracting more applicants from diverse backgrounds, supporting research with diverse populations, and promoting cultural competence in training and clinical services.
A message from Elizabeth McQuaid, PhD, ABPP
Director, Division of Clinical Psychology
The Clinical Psychology Training Programs at Brown are committed to attracting more applicants from diverse backgrounds, supporting research with diverse populations, and promoting cultural competence in training and clinical services. Based on this commitment, the Clinical Psychology Training Programs at Brown established a Diversity Committee in 2000, which has been an ongoing, vibrant element of our program.
We have a strong commitment to integrating diverse cultural perspectives into our core curriculum, providing ongoing educational opportunities for trainees and faculty, and promoting awareness of issues of diversity within all training sites in the consortium. These initiatives remain central to our program’s mission as we prepare to train the next generation of academics, clinical scientists, and practitioners.
Learn more about diversity within our programs and the department.
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Anti-Racism
We are committed to developing and continuously improving policies, practices, and climates that foster equity and justice within our clinical care, research, and education missions.